breakfast, cheese, cottage cheese, gluten free, holiday, maple syrup, pancakes, Recipe, spinach, vegetarian

Spinach Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Spinach Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Spinach cottage cheese pancakes were my favorite growing up as a kid. And as an adult, they still are. They are super easy to make, but it’s more than that; there’s this melty, gooey thing that happens to the cottage cheese as it cooks, and when you combine it with cinnamon, butter, and honey, whew! So, so good.  My only issue with them is that I can eat an entire batch by myself, so sharing is well…iffy.  But, if you make bacon, skillet potatoes, and cut up some fresh fruit, well then maybe I’ll consider it.

My recipe for spinach cottage cheese pancakes has been adapted from Susan Branch’s recipe in Heart of the Home, my all-time inspiration for cookbooks. She includes little stories and brilliant illustrations, oh and the entire book is handwritten! We made this recipe so often, that the pages were permanently glued together with years of eggs and sticky fingers. So I don’t know exactly what is left on the page, but luckily the recipe remains visible.

Spinach Cottage Cheese Pancakes

As always, I strive to find ways to make my dishes healthy, without compromising the taste. So blending spinach in with the eggs is really a no-brainer. Plus, I love that these spinach cottage cheese pancakes are full of protein, are gluten free friendly, and low carb. Basically a health-nut’s dream.

Spinach Cottage Cheese PancakesSpinach Cottage Cheese Pancakes

If you celebrate Pancake Day on Sundays, like me, be sure to add these spinach cottage cheese pancakes into your rotation, keeping in mind that one batch makes about eight pancakes, so for those with hefty appetites, try making sides or just doubling the batch!

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2 thoughts on “Spinach Cottage Cheese Pancakes

  1. Jaia Lin says:

    Finally! GF pancakes that stay together when flipped! Love the high protein and veggie content and the kids will eat them if I add choc chips 🙂
